Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rising Sparrow - The Dream

On this Heart Day...Rising Sparrow shares The Dream.

How fitting during this Month of February we celebrate the pathways of peoples, all, but especially the history-victory over oppression.

How fitting on this day, February 14th. The anniversary of hearts-sharing.

How fitting on this day, Sunday...a spiritual dream is shared.

Now for possibly the shortest Sunday sermon on record.

It has been written..."I Am The Way" as the guiding Light of spiritual pathway.

What if part of the translation was missed...Old Language to New?
Speaking different languages, different-same times, different-same hearts and minds, certainly there is the possibility of error or ommission.

What if..."I Am Is The Way" was the spoken, intended message? Or the one we were intended to hear or to percieve to meet our contribution challenge? To honor God's gift of Life-Path, Jesus-Christ, our own.

A Spiritual Message / Translation on this heart day and Sunday from Rising Sparrow.

Jane Marla VerDow
Rising Sparrow