Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dear Daisy

Dear Daisy

Content Synopsis

Dear Daisy, nonfiction, reads as life is presented day-to-day and by seasons. The author, a gifted storyteller invites the reader into the world and relationship between a Colored illiterate Migrant Woman sharing her wisdom with a boss man’s child under cherry and apple trees during the early 1960's. Daisy, an Angel on Earth years later mystically reappears an Angel from Heaven to guide the grown child on her pathway back Home.

Dear Daisy tells a story 2000 years old yet reminds us how challenges continue to play out and that we each contribute to writing the story.

As the story begins, the author caught in a personal struggle of survival under conditions felt oppressive, writes to Daisy. As the reflective search for self and path unfolds, the 9-11-01 story strikes as a Holy War between extremists of Nations. Before the dust settles, 10-28-01 brings world chaos personal. Living the aftermath, the author struggles to forgive and declares through writing an Epistle as part of her emancipation pathway that violence as a rightful expression and worship of God is not the God of her faith.

Order Direct from Rising Sparrow Press
Library of Congress Cataloging Number: 2004091496
Ver Dow, Jane Marla
Dear Daisy : a novel / Jane Marla Ver Dow
First Printing June 2004
Hardcover 384 pages
ISBN 1-932878-03-3
1. Spiritual -- Nonfiction. I. Title.$ 27.95

So this is where my story began way back when...Springtime, it was
then began again in the Autumn of the year, 1999 when memories were first written as words...then print
another beginning, a publishing company, founded in the Winter of 2003 by the author to recreate the feel and texture of a book that may have been carried by the author or her friend in a year like 1959 or 1964.
starting a storyteller, later years a writer, I, to be an author, the day...Ash Wednesday, 2004, drove pages to printer, BookMasters, Mansfield Ohio...and then I, the publisher made final edits and approvals...
then I, the child...waited...